Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Grief of Fred Guttenberg

I curated this heartbreaking Twitter thread for a Facebook post.  

Fred Guttenberg

Two months today.
It doesn’t get easier. It gets harder.
Jaime Guttenberg I miss you with all of my heart. I will love you forever.

If I have any Facebook friends who are against universal background checks before being allowed to purchase a gun, PM me so that we can discuss why your position is wrong.

If anyone feels that someone under the age of 21 should be able to buy a gun, PM me so that we can discuss why your position is wrong.
If there is anyone who feels that someone who is mentally unstable should have a gun, PM me so that we can discuss why your position is wrong.
If there is anyone who feels it’s necessary for ANYONE to have high capacity magazines allowing more than five or ten bullets, PM me so that we can discuss why your position is wrong.

I lost my baby, my daughter, Jesse’s only sibling.
It is NOT okay that we sent her off to school and she never came home. It is NOT okay that this person had any legal access to guns. This pain will NEVER go away. Jaime was robbed of EVERY constitutional right that she had. Nobody is trying to take anyone else’s rights away, just trying to make the citizens of the United States of America safe.

Vote the right people in and the wrong people out so that I never have to read a story like this again as this can happen to anyone. We are proof of that. We will be visiting our daughter today at the cemetery. We should be watching her from the audience at her dance competition.

Please in honor of Jaime support COMMON SENSE GUN SAFETY. Don’t let the bullies win by making people believe that we want to take away the rights of the second amendment.

Make them understand that the second amendment wasn’t created so that citizens can kill other innocent citizens. Remind them that Jaime and all other victims of gun violence had rights, including a right to life, and those rights have been terminated. Thank you for your support.

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