Saturday, March 30, 2019

Facebook & Twitter Notes, March 30, 2019

Without fanfare the voice of Garrison Keillor is accessible on the web, the voice of a man clearly more erudite than the notes at this link. We of a certain age know the backstory. No need to review them here. But by all means play the audio & listen to that voice.

Brexit was sold to the public as a way of rescuing the NHS from the machinations of the Brussels 'dictatorship'. The reality is the Tories will likely dismantle it one piece at a time, while EU citizens will get to keep their free healthcare.

Starved for good reading?
This link only takes 3 minutes to read but the recommendations will take much longer, you can be sure.

The Spring issue of Plough Quarterly is online and has many essays of interest to Porchers. To mention just a few, Norman Wirzba writes about hospitality and gardening, Johannes Meier describes how Australian farmers are responding to drought, and Sarah Ruden reflects on the morality and pleasures of eating meat.

A woman gave birth to her son’s child so he and his male spouse could be parents.This is a story about modernity and the future. There are two kinds of people in the world: those who are instinctively horrified by this, and those who think it is a glorious thing what money, technology and a willingness to break taboos can bring about.

One key detail about the story is how much technology — expensive technology — was required to bring about this result. Another key detail: the natural limits and taboos that had to be denied for this to happen.

This link from The American Conservative provides predictable objections and commentary.

Adam Tooze is part of the Columbia faculty. His piece in London Review of Books, Is this the end of the American Century? is deep in the policy weeds but truly insightful.
(It also has one of those super helpful audio options.)

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