Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Family -- a Twitter Colloquy

This is a curated version of a Twitter thread about The Family, Jeff Sharlett's research now made into a documentary.

Rabbi Jill Zimmerman Based on yr recs, we're watching #TheFamily Question: what do they do with Jews & others who do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah? It's FINE that they believe that but getting involved in govt? That's supposed to be for ALL the people?

Jeff Sharlet  Originally #TheFamily was anti-Semitic in traditional sense—after WWII, they recruited former Nazi leaders—but over time they adopted the subtle anti-Semitism of “Jesus+0,” which allowed them to absorb a few powerful Jews. Nixon’s Jewish Fed chief, Arthur Burns, led the way.

Debbie Hemenway: I think they're still praying for our conversion. That's what evangelicalism is all about. And if it doesn't work out, we'll be burned up in the Last Days. Easy peasy.

Covfefe LePew @RinzenLhamo:  Conversion. They completely forget that, if true, "Yeshua", (Jesus is Greek version), was born a Jew and died a Jew...died going against the corrupted priests that had strayed from the Old Testament, which Yeshua had devotedly studied at the feet of the old scholars. These so called devotees of "The Christ," a title like that of The Buddha, etc., had their teachings from this man and were rewritten & edited to push their own personal agenda(s). They believe at the End Times that Jews, who have been placeholders in Israel, etc., will have the opportunity to renounce Judaism, (Jesus'/Yeshua's religion), and accept Christ as their Savior. If so you ascend to Heaven as part of the chosen. If not, you rot on Earth as the dead rise and the rest of the apocalyptic fun ensues.

Jenna Wright: That’s sums up what heard a lot, growing up in the south. I was at a childhood friend’s house who’d just moved to Orl from Dallas. The Jerry Lewis telethon was on. Her Dad, in his underwear & cowboy hat, said, through his cigar, “Jerry’s a nice guy. Too bad he’ll burn in Hell”

Chrissy Stroop: The Family cultivates relationships with anyone with power. They don’t seem as conversion driven as many evangelicals, though ultimately they’re not pluralists, let alone universalists.

Rabbi Jill Zimmerman: But - separation of church and state! 1st amendment! They are completely blurring that line!

Chrissy Stroop: They definitely don’t care about separation of church and state, or really respect institutions or the rule of law. They’re anti-democratic to the core.

Rabbi Jill Zimmerman:  Oh Chrissy & Jenna I am very uneducated in this world. I can't even wrap my head around it. So the family is not dominionist?

Chrissy Stroop: They can be described as dominionist with a lowercase D, but that’s a very broad term. It doesn’t refer to a single entity with a single command structure or anything of the sort. It just refers to Christians who think Christians should take power and impose their views as law.

Rabbi Jill Zimmerman: Oh God. I'm sure not up for that. Such deep believe that one has all the answers for everyone else is very dangerous.

Jill: There are some interesting old interviews I have seen with Bill Barr talking about how he doesn’t believe in the Separation of Church & State. These people think that separation is causing the moral decay of our society. They want to legislate their morality. Ex:prayer in school

At this point a link to this thread was mentioned.

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