Saturday, April 25, 2020

A story of Islamic origin about Satan

I note this link for future reference because it includes an
interesting parallel with the New Testament story. I recall
my folklore professor's definition of myth as the highest
form of truth in any society. 

This glimpse of Islamic scripture-story tradition parallels the New Testament account of the temptation of Christ following a forty-day fast in the wilderness.

This is from Pier 22, a reprint from October 1, 2018. This is a browser translation.

How did Satan drive historical events?

The youth of the Quraysh tribes gather in front of the house of the Prophet Muhammad, declaring their swords in preparation for his departure in order to kill him with the blow of one man and scattering his blood between the tribes and making it difficult to take revenge on the children of Hashem. A brilliant idea came upon the masters of Makkah after the complexity of Muhammad and his companions had become difficult for them. They left the heart of their people with them with his new claim, this problem seemed unresolved to them, until the Faraj came to them "from another world" and inspired them to gather a fighter from every tribe who would kill him together, thus his blood would be in the neck of all the Quraysh tribes, and the people of Hashem would not have to fight them all. This is how they get rid of it without entering a bloody war. The minds of the symposium's elders did not succeed in introducing such a brilliant idea, but it required that the devil himself relinquish his historical role in waswaas and embodied among them as a Najdi sheikh who put forth his idea and then dissolved in the clouds. It is true that the idea did not succeed, and the Messenger escaped from it after Ali bin Abi Talib slept in his place, but it established in the books of narrations a new role for the devil and his war against the Prophet and his call, does not depend on the moral role of suggesting evil in the souls and does not track the weaknesses of the believers to spoil their blacks, but it is linked to an action. My physical body had an effect on the course of events. Perhaps the aforementioned incident is the most famous, but dozens of other lights, shrouded in the books of narrations, have made Satan a major driver of its events.

Among the famous story before the mission, the one that tells the role of the Prophet in distancing his people from fighting those who choose the place of the Black Stone after they rebuilt the sanctuary, after his mind guided him to a solution that satisfies everyone by placing the stone over his garment to carry him all and share this honor. Some narrators add that Satan embodied them in the form of an old Najdi, who shouted to them with his loudest voice: “May you please place this pillar - which is your honor - a young orphan without your teeth”, so he almost signed them again and fought, but they settled for what happened. Hussein Al-Hajj says in his book “Myth when Arabs are in ignorance.” They knew the devil in ignorance and mentioned it and described it in their poems. They talked about it as a horn of a bull, which made them imagine the bull if the cows advanced in drinking water as a demon because of its horns, and they believed that the Earth’s rotation was caused by Its reliance on the head of the bull, and as it moved from century to century, its movement changed, as they attributed to it the revelation of their poets and named each of them a devil that means guiding them with the wonderful words. "Arab myths before Islam". The Arabs did not delude the jinn as horrific beings that violate all the covenants of other nations, but are satisfied with their likeness in the image of animals, and to drop their Bedouin lives in their poetic simulations, without trying to invent whole myths, and they attribute every action they did not find to explain the ability of a paradise. Or a demon.

During his interpretation of the 48th verse of Surat Al-Anfal, “As Satan decorated them with their deeds and said,“ Today you do not win from people, and I am a neighbor to you. ”When the two categories appeared, we set back on his heels and said,“ I am innocent of you. I see what you don’t see. I fear God and God is very punished. ”Al-Tabari narrates from Ibn Abbas. According to the narration, the devil appeared on the day of the location of the full moon embodied and was followed by a soldier of his devil followers, and he was carrying his flag, and that he was embodied in the form of one of the nobles of Bani Kenana, which is Suraqah bin Malik bin Jaasham, and he aligned with the company of the polytheists intending to fight with them, saying to them, "I am your neighbor." But, as soon as he saw Gabriel until he became a mastermind, and when they denounced it, I did it, and he answered them, "I see what you do not see" and completed his withdrawal, and the Meccans suffered a resounding defeat. This was met with a muffled objection to "tuck" Satan did in an authentic hadith that talks about a battle that took place during Ramadan, especially as it contradicts another valid hadith that the devils are handcuffed, unable to move throughout the holy month, which required a response from the elders, saying that it may be the restriction on the right of the apostate only, and that that fighter in Badr has It is of a lower rank than to be restricted, or that the act of chaining is a protection and protection for Muslims and not for other infidels who are allowed to go to demons throughout the month of Ramadan and others. In the battle of Uhud, and while the Muslims were on the verge of defeat, after “some of them settled Satan with some of what they gained” (Al-Imran: 115) and enticed them to leave their places to reap the spoils, the polytheists managed to surround them, and even surrounded a number of them with the Messenger and nearly killed him and severely wounded him. A loud cry shouted, "Muhammad was killed .. Muhammad was killed", and it was known historically as "The cry of Satan". She resonated not only with the battlefield but reached the city, and none of the immigrant women and supporters left but left her house, as she appalled the souls of the fighting Muslims, and some historians attributed it to the devil as an intervention from him in favor of the polytheists, and to ensure the ultimate defeat of the army of the Prophet. Ibn Abbas tells of this cry, saying, "He did not doubt that he was right, and we still do not suspect that he was killed, until the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, rose between the two happiness. We know him by his reward if he walks, and he said: We rejoiced even as he did not suffer." It is also narrated that he included the Prophet’s journey on the night of Al-Israa, he saw “something recessive from the path” he tried to invite him to stop his career, but the Messenger did not answer him and Gabriel asked him: What is this? He did not respond to him except with "a secret ... a secret", and at the end of the road he made clear to him that the caller was the devil, and that he wished the messenger would be answered even once, because if it happened, the journey would have spoiled and the Muslims would follow. What is that? He did not respond to him except with "a secret... a secret", and at the end of the road he made clear to him that the caller was the devil, and that he wished the messenger would be answered even once, because if it happened, the journey would have spoiled and the Muslims would follow. What is that? He did not respond to him except with "a secret... a secret", and at the end of the road he made clear to him that the person calling the devil, and that he was wishing to answer the Messenger even once, because if it had happened, the journey would have spoiled and the Muslims would follow.

Abu Hurairah preaches and steals the "sweetness" of Hallaj

Abu Hurairah narrates that the Messenger entrusted him to save food, and one day he found a thief trying to take from him and he caught him and threatened him to raise his command to the Prophet, so he complained to him about his poverty and that his children almost died from hunger, dispersed him and left him, but this matter was repeated twice after, and in the third he got lost Abu Huraira decided that he would never leave him, so the thief told him that he would tell him words that would never help him to let him go, so he agreed, and the man advised him saying: If you come to your bed, read the verse of the Holy, because you will still be with you from God Almighty, a keeper, and Satan will not bring you close until you become. When Abu Huraira recounted this position to the Prophet, he commented: "Believe you and he is a liar, that is a demon." Ibn Al-Imad Al-Hanbali tells in his book “Nuggets of Gold” that the great Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani went out on a journey and spent days finding no water and intensified his thirst, and the devil wanted to deceive him and he remained a cloud and sent dew on him, then he appeared to him in the midst of a halo of light and called him "O Abdul Qadir I am your Lord and I have forbidden you And the Sheikh answered him: I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan, I have a damn thing, God would not have forbidden anything in the words of His Messenger and make it permissible for my guardians. The light turned dark and fled. In the context of Ibn Taymiyyah’s keenness to confirm the heresy of Al-Hallaj, he asserted that he “sometimes possesses demons and demons, who were with him (some of his followers) on the mountain of Abu Qubais, so they asked him for sweetness. Sweetness in Yemen, a demon carried by that spot, "justifying" his "miscreants" with which people were fascinated, analyzing the permissibility of his blood. 

Calls to idols and separates churches

The 23rd verse of Noah surmises that the beginning of the worship of Noah's people to idols came from their glorification of good men who appeared in them: “friendliness”, “sawa”, “sickness”, “impeding” and “eagle”, but Satan embodied them in the form of a human being He advised them to set up milestones reminiscent of the succeeding generations after them, and mites them to make them a mediator between them and God, before he persuaded them to worship the statues without God. With this, polytheism became evident in the people of Noah gradually by the action of Satan. In the Qur’anic verse, “They said: Do not give up your gods, nor do you give a friend, not a day, nor a relief, a handicap, and an eagle.” The Buddhist religion considers Satan "Mara" responsible for strenuous attempts to banish the Buddha through enlightenment, taking advantage of the latter's puzzlement in his journey to reach the truth, and during seven weeks of violent conflict with the priest and distracting him with sensual pleasure under a tree later known as " The Greek, whom they considered responsible for igniting wars and spreading diseases and other human and natural disasters. In the year 1535 AD, the great rift occurred between the Orthodox and Protestant churches, and they accused each other of submitting to Satan, and drawings from that period depicted the Devil spewing his lust in the head of a cleric. The Greek, whom they considered responsible for igniting wars and spreading diseases and other human and natural disasters. And in 1535 AD, the great rift occurred between the Orthodox and Protestant churches, and they accused each other of submitting to Satan, and drawings of the depiction of Satan spreading his lair in the head of a cleric. In the book of Tobiah (Good God) from the Bible, there is the “Ashmaday” of Satan, the king of the jinn and the goblins, who wears Sarah the daughter of Roel and slays those who marry her on the wedding night before entering into it until he killed 7 men, and is described as the most evil of the demons. In the end, Toubia marries her, whose guardian angel Azariah advises him to stay 3 days after marrying her, free to pray, then he burns the liver of the whale and defeats Satan, justifying what happened to the previous husbands that they got married, so God exiled their hearts and devoted their lusts as animals, so Satan had authority over them (Book of Toubia, chapter 1) VI), then the Tobia expels Satan with smoke and escapes to Egypt, where Raphael receives him and ties him up to suffocate him (Book of Tobiah, Chapter VIII). It also tells the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The facts of an interview that took place between Christ and Satan, who took advantage of his passage for a period of weakness after fasting for 40 consecutive days, and asked him several deceptive questions related to man's bodily needs such as hunger, safety and strength, but Christ succeeded in responding to him. Christian historians considered that this event was a repetition of the original sin site, during which Satan succeeded in getting man out of the Garden of Eden, but Christ failed its occurrence again and triumphed for humanity in a barren wilderness.

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