Thursday, December 26, 2024

Joshua Landis Thread

Joshua Landis thread

Landis - My Alawite mother-in-law in Latakia, #Syria explained to me that HTS soldiers calmed down the large demonstration in Latakia, protesting the burning 🔥 of Khasibi’s mausoleum, by chanting with the demonstrators. 

She was full of praise for the HTS men, who have been doing the right thing, in her opinion. She is critical of the Alawite demonstrators. 

Other Alawite friends lament that there is no Alawite leadership and believe that Alawites must find a voice and stand up for their needs. Assad destroyed any Alawite leaders as surely as he destroyed Sunni leaders or those from other Syrian communities.

Siba Madwar - It's encouraging to hear these honest voices from the ground speaking the truth about how the new forces in Syria respect and protect people regardless of their identity or sect.

However, in a country that want to be governed by the rule of law, where inclusive state identity and equal rights for all citizen are upheld, individuals should not need to seek divisive and sectarian leadership to protect their needs. These rights would be guaranteed and protected by the State itself. 

This new Syrian state is trying to do just that. Let’s all help them bring us together.

Landis - Dear Siba. I appreciate the secular sentiment and notion that there should be no Sunni, Druze, Alawi or Kurdish leaders but only Syrian leaders. I hope hope that will be the reality soon. I would not be surprised though if after decades of sectarianism and dictatorship, all communities will take time to learn to trust each other again, especially after such a brutal civil war. 

Siba Madwar - Thank you Joshua. This hope will not be impossible if there is a collective will, and I do believe this already exists among millions of Syrians. I look forward to seeing you visit Damascus soon.

Within minutes this short thread was followed by an ad for a Zionist newsletter from Florida having nothing to do with events in Syria, leading to a lengthy exchange underscoring the historic achievements of Jews. 

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