Friday, April 12, 2019

Facebook & Twitter Notes, April 12, 2019

Assange is in UK custody, facing a probable extradition to US. That might take a year meaning endless arguments about journalism, leaking, hacking, spying, etc.
Meantime, the Reality Winner case, which is more straightforward, remains largely overlooked.

>>>>>  I like this... <<<<<

"There’s still a long time before the first contests, and it’s possible that Warren will succumb to the flaws that her critics see in her campaign. In particular, she might not be able to raise enough money. She’s decided not to take any Pac money and not to fundraise with wealthy donors, a position that may be as much practical as it is principled: the super-rich are not likely to donate to Warren anyway, since she has such a detailed plan, called the Ultra Millionaire Tax, to redistribute their money. She may fall victim to the seemingly unshakable controversy over her old claims of Native American ancestry, and she seems doomed to be smeared and underestimated for her sex, called cold and unlikable for her intellect and then, as with other female candidates, derided as pandering when she tries to seem more relatable."

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